What’s still relevant in mobile marketing 2016?

Mobile Marketing Channels

Relevant Mobile Marketing 2016

With more and more people using their smart phones to do online searches it has become pivotal that your business has a mobile friendly website and makes full use of what mobile marketing can do for you. With society spending more time on the internet via their mobile phones it’s important for businesses to utilize mobile marketing to their full potential. There are many different options available to market your business effectively via mobile. Let’s discuss what will work in your businesses 2016 mobile marketing:

Bulk SMSs

Bulk SMSs are a mobile marketing platform that goes back way before the smart phone was in our hands. This over the years has evolved along with technology. Nowadays bulk SMSs contain links that connect to the mobile sites of the business in mention. Also bulk SMSs are no longer just sent to whomever is on the database but rather the targeted market. So with today’s technology we are able to send your specific information SMSs to people that we know are likely to be interested in your products, thus making bulk SMSing still a relevant marketing platform through 2016.

Mobile adverts and Mobile Banners

These days people spend more and more time on their phones than in front of televisions. With this in mind our next point can catapult your business from known to major exposure overnight. By having mobile banners and mobile ads visible online your business is able to gain significant exposure online with in your targeted market. With googles continuous updates and improvements to their search algorithms. Mobile searches are now able to let google know what you’re interested in, therefore your banners and adverts will only go to the relevant market that are potential consumers based on their recent google searches.

Mobile Apps

Recent studies have shown that people prefer to spend more of their mobile time online using a app over the mobile internet. 89% of the public’s time spent on media is through mobile apps and 11% through the mobile web. As you can see this figure alone shows us exactly how relevant mobile apps are in society. By creating a mobile app for your business you’re staying relevant. Interactive apps have a higher number of downloads than just general information apps, but all around you want to have your business accessible through the app world in 2016.

As you can see it’s important that by the end of 2016 your business has a hand in each of the 3 above mentioned mobile marketing strategies. Mobile statistics and usage will only increase as time goes by, if your business is not mobile friendly and making full use of the mobile marketing world you are bound to fall behind. Call channel mobile today and let us help you set out a relevant 2016 mobile marketing strategy that will work for your business.